Refund & Return

Order Cancelation

We're happy to offer full refunds for orders canceled before the products are shipped. However, once an order has been shipped, your order cancelation request will not be applicable.

Product Return Policy

We gladly accept returns within 7 days of receiving your package, provided the following conditions are met:

  • Unopened and Unused: Both the original packaging and the product itself must be unopened and unused.
  • Complete Package: You must return the entire package, including any gifts received with your purchase.
  • Return Shipping Cost: You will be responsible for covering the shipping costs for returning the product.
  • Proof of Purchase: Please include your receipt or a proof of purchase from our official website to facilitate the return process.
  • Damaged Products: Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns for damaged products. However, if your product has been delivered in a damage state – we’d then accept the return and re-ship it to you.

Refund Condition After Receiving Product

Once we receive your returned product and complete an inspection, we'll notify you via message about its receipt and the status of your refund request (approval or rejection). If your refund is approved, it will be processed back to your original payment method within 1-2 business days. Should you not see the refund reflected within that timeframe, don't hesitate to contact us.

Shipping Fees and Taxes

Please be aware that shipping fees and taxes are not included in refunds. You will be responsible for covering the cost of returning your item. Additionally, the original shipping cost will be deducted from your refund.